The Diamondback Terrapin – George Heinrich

George Heinrich will be presenting our Friends Zoom program Monday, May 23rd 7 PM – 8PM.

This presentation will provide an overview on the conservation of an imperiled estuarine turtle, the diamondback terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin). Although this species occurs in 16 states along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts, the coastline of Florida represents approximately 20% of their entire range. Five of the seven recognized subspecies occur in the state’s extensive salt marsh, mangrove, and estuarine habitats, including three endemics (one of which occurs in Tampa Bay where a survey is being planned to determine their distribution and identify nesting areas). Bycatch mortality in blue crab pots, habitat loss/degradation, impacts of climate change including sea level rise, and other threats are of concern.



George L. Heinrich is a field biologist and environmental educator specializing in Florida reptiles. His company, Heinrich Ecological Services (, is based in St. Petersburg, Florida, and conducts wildlife surveys and research, natural history programming, and nature-based tours. George is currently the Executive Director of the Florida Turtle Conservation Trust (

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